Who is Show Sign Customs and what are they up to?
Show Sign Customs / GarageWraps History
As the GarageWraps product line has evolved, we've decided that our brand needs to be updated to better represent our most popular product lines (Show Signs and ShowCals). We've officially changed the name from GarageWraps to Show Sign Customs. Our team is looking forward to an exciting 2018 with the release of our new Modular Show Sign product in March. We are also working on new finish options for ShowCals as well as new shapes, giving you even more options for customization. This year Show Sign Customs is sponsoring Team Shelby Racing, Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup and of course our local car club, Black Canyon Classics. We will also be doing several events with our new partner, Mile High Muscle. 2017 GarageWraps has evolved since the original SixGenerations of Mustang project. We now produce ShowCals, ShowSigns, Car Club Decals, Wall Wraps, Posters and more. Kaley is finishing her sophomore year in collage and will be helping at a couple of Colorado car shows this summer. Check our blog and facebook page for current updates. 2015 - the start of GarageWraps For many years, we've offered internship opportunities for Montrose High School students who were interested in graphic design. In 2015, my daughter Kaley, chose to complete her senior year internship with my business since she was interested in studying business marketing in college. We decided to change it up a little and create a new brand that focused on automotive enthusiasts. Kaley was responsible for creating a brand name as well as the product line that would be sold. Marketing Intern with GoBigBanners LLC. Why? My internship is based on two interests: Cars and Marketing. I will be studying Marketing in college, so launching GarageWraps.com is the perfect place to get my feet wet. I will be utilizing crowdsourcing and social media marketing to develop and launch our products. What? We have launched GarageWraps.com as a resource for fellow car enthusiasts to upload their photos to be printed and displayed on unique products. We offer customized Garage Wraps, Canvas Wraps, and Decals, Banners, and Posters. On top of these products, we are working on a project that we need your help with: We will be producing a Six Generations- Ford Mustang Poster. Here's the catch: These aren't going to be just stock photos of Mustangs, these will be photos of real owners' Mustangs. We will host a contest in which Mustang enthusiasts submit their photos, and the photos will then be voted upon. One photo will be selected to represent each year on the poster. This poster will be sold once all 51 photo slots are populated. Stay posted for contest launch and the final project! Where? We are based in Montrose, Colorado. As a national business, we ship to car enthusiasts anywhere in the United States. |